Wednesday, August 29, 2007

1L student gets private audience with Tom Monaghan

“It was like WHOOA!!!” said Elroy Hogwaller a wide-eyed 1L explaining his experience after being given the unique opportunity to have a private audience with Tom Monaghan.

Before starting their first year, Monaghan likes to visit with one student- to get a good read on the incoming class.

This particular student, Along with receiving a full scholarship, car, parking pass, free rent, and a contract for deed in Imokalee, was shown one of Tom’s many secret powers in this private audience.

Hogwaller, a graduate of southwestern coastal college of wood, storm doors, and shiny things, with a degree in incest prevention expressed nothing but gratitude after the 3 minute meeting. “Ave is the best! All those other law schools with their book-learnin’ smartypants stuff about job placement and stability are just load horseflop. I can’t wait to get learnin’ and spread the word!”

Elroy (shown with his, um, relative) is but a sampling of the fine incoming class chose to go to Ave after turning down an offer for admission at Whittier law school. “I’m not going to go to a school with such a high attrition rate! At least Ave can keep it’s students, I mean, hardly anyone leaves here, think of all all the free pizza! Oh, and the moraltech support… I get confessions and deletions in 30 minutes or less. Beat that!”

/s/ Cap'n Crunch

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