Friday, March 16, 2007

Changes Coming to the Opus Dei Ninjas

In an inspired speech today, Father Orsi discussed plans to update and modernize the uniforms of the famed Opus Dei Ninjas. Given the change in climate and surroundings, Orsi said, the Ninjas would have to sport new attire, designed to blend in with the rest of the population.

Above is the traditional working uniform of the Opus Dei Ninja. While great in the north, such attire, it would seem, is hardly practical in sunny Florida. Below is the old ceremonial garb of the Opus Dei Ninjas. Worn only on special occasions, such as Holy Days of Obligation and the Ave Prom, this uniform, too, will be retired once the squad permanently relocates to Florida.

The Image below is the new uniform for the Opus Dei Ninjas, as modeled by incoming 1Ls Mildred Kamensky, Arthur Gold, and Jim Curry.

So keep an eye out for the Ninjas in their new, inconspicuous uniform.


  1. The ninjas look really well-hung in their former ceremonial garb.

  2. looks like a couple hotties in the incoming class

  3. No condoms or "the" pill, but you can bet the Ave Town drug store will carry lots of the little blue pill.
