Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Real Transition Team: Superhuman, but not Divine

In the year of Our Lord 2006 The Real Transition Team was formed amongst a loose group of persons hoping to spread the spirit of transition to as many readers as possible. That journey has not been without incident. Having made use of AMSoL communication technology, sending and receiving communications from Domino One has often proved difficult. We are thorougly convinced however that the new Moraltech ™ technology will allow for greater information gathering and dispersal.

Posts have been lost. We realize that these posts have been lost to the gaping hole of internet obscurity, and as well, our posters solemnly swear to increase their self-flagellation in accordance with their Ave-fessions. But rest assured, dear readership, that we remain ever faithful to our founder, funder, and architect's decree: "who farted?".

Now that a majority of the gas has cleared, OZA has taken a large amount of beano, and having taken into account the concerns of his fellow members in the super secret society known as the Real Transition Team, we are moving forward.

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