Thursday, June 7, 2007

Ave Maria Town Legal Aid Clinic Schedules Grand Opening

We've done it again! The Real Transition Team is once again at the forefront of the foreswamp, brining you the latest from the Utopian paradise of Ave Maria Town, FL.

This time, we are happy to report that AMSOL has teamed up with our kind and gracious supporter to present the newest legal aid addition to Ave Town - the AMSOL Center For Law, Justice and All That Good Stuff.

"We're excited", said Dean Bernard Dobranski in an interview last week. "We couldn't have ever anticipated that such a prestigious local firm would so graciously lend us the resources to further such a noble pursuit. We are truly blessed."

AMSOL Administration anticipates that the CFLJATGS (as it is currently referred) will offer several clinics to incoming 1Ls in order to instill in them a true, humanitarian ethic.

Mark your calendars. The Grand Opening celebration is tenatively scheduled for August 2009.

/s/ Deus Ex

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