Monday, June 4, 2007

AMTV to Debut, Supplement Famed Radio Show

Monaghan Productions is proud to announce the founding of Ave Maria Television, a 24 hour station dedicated to promoting the missions of Ave Maria Town, Ave Maria University, and Ave Maria School of Law. Stay tuned for official decrees as to the much anticipated fall schedule of shows, and be sure to check out a sneak peek at one of our shows, which is sure to be a hit!


  1. The Real Transition Team should be aware of this "leaked" video tour of Ave Maria (TM) (TM = "trademark" or "Tom Monaghan", take your pick) (maybe TMTM would be most appropriate)

    This is video is unauthorized. The Team might consider re-doing the audio dub to fit with the Transition Team model.

  2. OK. I'll break the URL into lines:
