This has been expressly forbidden, especially making use of the internets so graciously given to the school by Mr. Monaghan, Lord Chancellor, Founder, King, Ruler, Pizza Maker, Owner, CEO, Faculty termination consultant, and Catholic Theologian for the 21st century. The Real Transition Team, having obtained the full record of this transaction from the server, will make sure the involved faculty are urged to take a more pro transition stance in light of the lies that were spread at this particular "meeting"

"We're ready to take every step necessary" Said one unidentifiable member of the Administration, proudly wearing his execution garb and psyching up for the cleansing. "And if that means we have to shed a little blood, then so be it. We are already gearing up our replacement faculty, and the executions will all be off-site, and will occur after the exam period has ended. We don't want to intrude on our beloved students, especially our more transition-oriented ones."
/s/ Cap'n Crunch
1. Will these be public executions so that the current students can, you know, observe? and,
ReplyDelete2. Can you verify the rumor that the traditional incoming class gift of "A Man for All Seasons" is going to be replaced with necklaces made from teeth of the non-transition folks?
I eagerly await your response.
ReplyDeleteExcellent question. The executions will, of course, be public. How else are we to provide both the service of fufilliment to our transition-minded followers, and at the same time a deterrant to those unwilling to accept our Pizza Pontiff?
As for the replacement, you're half right. "A Man for All Seasons" will still be shown, but with an alternate ending where St. Thomas More kicks the crap out of the tribunal using state-of-the art Matrix-esque moves and usurps the King of England. I've seen the new edition personally, and it's going to do a LOT for our cause.
However ears, and not the teeth, will be retained from those who have been "cleansed". We choose the ears to symbolize those who have been "lost" to the word of our great Founder, overseer, transitoner, legal education consultant, Frank Lloyd Wrightean architect, Lutheran petting zookeeper, and all around super-cool guy, Tom Monaghan.
Any more questions? We are eager to engage!