In a recent, exclusive interview conducted by the Real Transition Team, we asked AMSOL Dean and President Bernard Dobranski to comment on his affirmative denial of the existance of a detailed report, compiled by AMSOL professor Joseph Falvey at a recent AMSOL Town Hall meeting.
RTT: "So there's no "Falvey Report"?
BD: "Oh, absolutely. There is no so-called 'Falvey Report.' I mean, there might be a report out there somewhere, you know, written by a guy named Falvey which containes detailed and highly incriminating evidence, but I can't address that now."
RTT: "So any communications released by current professor Joseph Falvey detailing this report would have no bearing on the current situation?"
BD: "I can affirmatively guarantee that we have no individual by the name of 'Joseph Falvey' curently employed by this institution."
RTT: "Can you offer the students a comment on your own statements regarding this report?
BD: "I suppose that really depends on what your definition of "report" is."
The Real Transition Team had no further questions.

(For those still skeptical, the Real Transition Team wishes to allay your fears by reassuring you that this non-existant, so-called "Falvey Report" most certainly cannot be downloaded here).
/s/ Deus Ex
You can't fool us, Real Transition Team (if that is, in fact, your "real" name). We listen to George Noory. We see the lights hovering over Domino Farms at night.. the chips implanted in Bernie & Orsi's neck. "Falvey" with 6 letters and "Roswell" with... well... it could be 6 letters if you'd just drop that last extraneous "L". Noory is all over this.