Sunday, March 18, 2007

NOBODY expects an Ave Inquisition!!!

Just a friendly word of warning from the Transition Team. It has come to Our attention that, in spite of the glorious decree of the Almighty Monaghan, there remain a small group of people in the Ave community who resist the move to scenic Immokalee. To those dissenters, be warned: Nobody expects the Ave Inquisition, and it can be upon you faster than you could ever imagine.

Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms!


  1. "I didn't expect a kind of Ave Inquisition!"

    NOBODY expects an Ave Inquisition!!!

  2. MONAGHAN: "Bring out the rack!"

    [Sonne brings dish-drying rack]

    DOBRANSKI: "You idiot, this won't get him to talk."

    MONAGHAN: "Let's poke him with the soft cushions."

    DOBRANSKI: "Bring in the soft cushions!"

    [poking not effective]

    MONAGHAN: "Professor Sonne, are you sure you have gotten all the stuffing together in the poking end of the cushion?"

    SONNE: "Yes, my Lord."

    DOBRANSKI: "Then we have but one torture device left... BRING IN THE COMFY CHAIR!"

    MONAGHAN: "Sit in THIS, Ortega!"

    DOBRANSKI: "mmmyessss mwahahaha..."


  3. Any time you can reference monty python only good things can happen.

  4. little-known fact: the Soviets actually used the comfy chair as a torture device in the gulag. Solzhenitsyn wrote that they'd keep you awake for a couple days various creative forms of abuse, then take you into the room with the comfy chair. they'd make you sit in it, and when you fell asleep, they'd beat the crap out of you and toss freezing water on you until you were awake again. then they'd put you back in the chair...

  5. flimflam,

    I thought that's what happened in the library womb chairs.
