Monday, March 19, 2007

New Advertisement Campaign Launched

With plenty of good space still available in Ave Town, our beloved Supreme Chancellor, Tom Monaghan, has taken the unprecented step of selling real estate himself. Below is a new advertisement to be placed in Naples area newspapers and real estate journals in the next week. Here's hoping that Lord Monaghan's efforts will result in even greater success for Ave Town!

And the slogan? "Your Source for Ave Town Iniums. Monaghan Iniums: We take the 'Condom' out of Condominiums!"


  1. I don't know where to put this...perhaps the mods of this venerable site can list it elsewhere. These are all the members of the ABA accreditation committee and their addresses. I would urge you, as I have, to send them a letter explaining the absurdity of this move and show them that the students of this school are not in 100% agreement with the decisions of the administration made on our behalf. If you'd like a cleaner copy, send me an e-mail at

    Chairperson Gregory G. Murphy, Esq. Moulton, Bellingham, Longo & Mather, P.C. P.O. Box 2559
    Billings MT 59103-2559

    Vice-Chairperson Dr. Anthony S. Caprio Western New England College
    1215 Wilbraham Road
    Springfield MA 01119-2654

    Professor Edwin J. Butterfoss Hamline University School of Law
    1536 Hewitt Avenue
    Saint Paul MN 55104-1284

  2. Professor Catherine Carpenter Southwestern University School of Law
    3050 Wilshire Boulevard
    Los Angeles CA 90010-1106

    Dean Jay Conison
    Valparaiso University School of Law
    656 South Greenwich Street
    Valparaiso IN 46383-4945

    Professor Barbara Cox
    California Western School of Law
    225 Cedar Street San Diego CA 92101-3046

    A.H. Gaede, Jr., Esq.
    Bradley, Arant, Rose & White L.L.P. 1819 Fifth Avenue North
    Birmingham AL 35203-2119

    Professor Jesse A. Goldner
    Saint Louis University School of Law
    3700 Lindell Boulevard
    Saint Louis MO 63108-3412

  3. Dean Charles W. Goldner, Jr. University of Arkansas, Little Rock, School of Law
    1201 McMath Avenue
    Little Rock AR 72202-5142

    President Frank J. Macchiarola
    St. Francis College
    180 Remsen Street
    Brooklyn NY 11201-4305

    Professor Lucy S. McGough Lousiana State University School of Law
    Paul M. Hebert Law Center
    Baton Rouge LA 70803-1000

    Honorable Jequita H. Napoli Cleveland County Courthouse
    201 South Jones Avenue
    Norman OK 73069-6000

    Dr. Charles Nash
    The University of Alabama System
    401 Queen City Avenue
    Tuscaloosa AL 35401-1551

    Sean Olivas, Esq.
    Keleher & McLeod
    201 Third Street Northwest, 12th Floor Albuquerque NM 87102-3370

    Associate Dean Scott B. Pagel George Washington University School of Law 2000 H Street Northwest
    Washington DC 20052-0027

    Professor Harry G. Prince University of California Hastings College of the Law
    200 McAllister Street
    San Francisco CA 94102-4707

    Judith Reed, Esq.
    Civil Rights Division, Voting Section
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 7254-NWB Washington DC 20530

    Edward N. Tucker, Esq.
    Ellin & Tucker, Chartered
    100 South Charles Street, Suite 1300 Baltimore MD 21201-2714

    Honorable Charles R. Wilson United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit 56 Forsythe Street Northwest
    Atlanta GA 30303-2218

  4. UPDATE: I forgot my password to the old account. If you want the list, send your request to this one:

  5. Hmm... Iniums, not Condominiums, eh?

    Along that same vein, rumor has it the Ave Town movie theater only serve's premium Orville Redenbacher "pping co".

  6. That is a beautiful sunset. Even I'd purchase an inium with a view like that.
