In response to recent AMSOL proceedings regarding controversial Professor Stephen Safrank, a grassroots movement, calling themselves, quite simply the "Steve Safranek Bowtie Brigade" has spung up. So far, this small but quickly growng movement has already recruited one member.

"Things are looking hopeful", says the self-proclaimed President of the Brigade. "By my calculations, we should have a vice president within the next week. From there, who knows? Anything is possible."

I'm not so sure about this, mused Mildred Finknottle of Ann Arbor's famed (but allegeldy mythical) "Finknottle Finance". "After all, who is this Safranek fellow, anyways?"
Meanwhile, actual students were more enthused. Some even suggested a companion drive involving the sale of those giant bowties - the ones too big to fit into a standard UPS envelope. Some of the more proactive members have suggested that proceeds be used to purchase property adjacent to AMSOL for the purposes of founding a new law school. Others remain skeptical. "I'm not so sure about that", one student dubiously noted, "after all, its not like this is going to meet the success of say, a worldwide pizza franchise."
Though Mr. Thomas Monaghan refused to comment on this, the Real Transition Team is confident that he would have agreed.
(Individuals interested in supporting the Bowtie Brigade are encouraged to contact them via the RTT's e-mail link on the right using "Bowtie Brigade" in the subject line).


  1. Anonymous said...
    How about just flooding Dean Bernie's office with bowties? That worked for the Jericho people...can you imagine Bernie drowning in...bowties?

    I'm sure Professor Safranek would donate some to such a worthy cause...
    Anonymous said...
    I love the idea!

    Now, where's an inexpensive place to get bowties? Or can we just use this to make our own?
    vebnworb13 said...
    I will have my eyes open for the Bowtie Brigade for sure!
    Anonymous said...
    These are suitably hideous, but also rather expensive:
    Anonymous said...
    Upon viewing those bowties, my eyes were visually assaulted.

    ... I love it!

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