New Statue Announced

In celebration of the glorious decision to move to Florida, the Transition Team has learned of plans to create a new statue, to be located across the Plaza de Pizza from the oratory.

As you can see, the subject will be none other than Benevolent Dictator/Demigod Tom Monaghan. Some may fail to recognize our great leader, because he wished to be portrayed unmasked, without makeup, and in his true form. Work on the statue should be finished by the time the law school relocates in "2009."

Future plans, though not yet approved by the Board of Governors, include the creation of a statue to honor the school's first dean, Bernie Dobranski, as well. Below is an artist's rendition of what such a statue might look like.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Wow, looks like they contracted with someone besides the usual sculptor (whose statues in Ann Arbor are beautiful by the way).
    Anonymous said...
    Word is that the new sculptures have been designed specifically to appeal to the forthcoming student, faculty and administrative recruits.

    Personally, I favor the Dobranski effigy. I think it accurately captures that human element of sycophantic achievement which has graced the AMSOL ranks this past year.

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