By Popular Demand...

Questions have been posed regarding the location of the infamous Winnebago O' Porn. Below is an image of Ave Town, complete with the approximate future location of the Winnebago. The Winnebago will provide students, administrators, staff members and other residents with a much need "release" from the rigors of life in Ave Town.


  1. Anonymous said...
    this NEVER fails to crack me up

    what does the little sign on the door say?
    Anonymous said...
    That is so wrong on so many levels. So is the winnebago o' porn!
    Anonymous said...
    There is actually a park called "South Park" planned for Ave Maria Town (check out the website). To get there, I think coming from the big ugly church you'd make a left at the foutain (hard to find because it won't be running -,0,3070217.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines , then drive until you see the 40-foot pepperoni Jesus. South Park is past the sixth gated retirement community on the right.
    Anonymous said...
    The sign on the door reads "Peter Ortega's Winnebago O' Porn"

    Never let it be said that credit is not given where credit is due.
    Anonymous said...
    no I was asking about the LITTLE sign ON THE DOOR! Not the big sign draped across the whole friggin' winnebago! What does that little sign on the door say?
    Anonymous said...
    Try "Keep Out"

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