Well, hello there.

This is your friendly, neighborhood, anonymous IT staff here to ensure that The Real Transition Team is going to experience a Blogger cosmetic change as easy as, well....moving to Florida.

In lieu of appointing a comittee to take down individual responses to this change, The Real Transition Team has decided, in a moment of dictatorial brilliance, to simply change the layout. Its that simple. And, as always, opinions and commments are welcomed, but only the favorable ones will be acknowledged. We are, after all, a product of AMSOL ingenuity.

That said, take a deep breath, enjoy browsing and keep your cursor on the "Refresh" button. We're working on it. I promise.

/s/ Deus Ex: Invisible IT


  1. Anonymous said...
    It looks like a fourteen year old girl puked up her scrap booking kit.

    ...at least as of 8:28pm
    Anonymous said...
    Where are the teletubbies on that banner?
    The Real Transition Team said...
    Spacing's been fixed (it was the image, not the template, of all things) and the first draft is up for all to see.

    Blogger royally screwed it all up when they switched to XML over HTML. Not good. Anyways, thus far, this is what we have. There's a good bit of work to be done yet.
    Anonymous said...
    Love the new look!
    Anonymous said...
    I think a darkish background and larger white font for the body of the posts would work well. By larger font I just mean the size it was originally.
    Anonymous said...
    The banner is amazing! Great job.
    Anonymous said...
    Mr. Tibbs: It actually started out with a bit darker background (which I actually preferred), but with the blogger navigation bar being yet another color, things looked pretty bad.

    As a side note, if anyone knows a way to get rid of it through the new XML system please let me know (I only knew how with the HTML setup).

    Finally, I'll see what I can do with the font sizes as well as the off-color links on the side - product of the template, unfortunately.

    As always, I'm always happy for help, so if anyone wants to jump in and aid me with the coding, I'd be much obliged.

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